Robert Epstein Acting Studio Since 1985

From student Jim Beller
As you can see from the attached, the show I’m in got a rave review from the Washington Post. I worked incredibly hard in rehearsal, but maybe even harder on my own applying the Robert Epstein Technique. I can’t express how strongly I believe in the technique. I think I am a great example of an actor who came to you with some significant problems, which your process has enabled me to overcome. Congratulations and thanks. (I even got the part in the first place because I insisted on getting sides in advance and then applied your auditioning technique.)
I’m still interested in the classical series. Keep me informed.
Jim Beller
From D. A.
I wanted to pass something on regarding the reading I did for the zombie genre movie. There were no try outs for zombies. There were 5 or six roles to be filled, and they had some 300 people read for them. We were given descriptions of characters, and I chose to read for the local sheriff. Okay, I did my full preparation (the only person there to read their part out loud beforehand, people are a lot braver than me I guess). I just couldn’t help putting in some character, the lines seemed to scream for it. Anyway, I went up and did my reading, and something happened that has never happened to me before. The director got up afterward and said, “Very nice David.” What a nice feeling. I don’t have any illusions about an acting career for myself. At this point, I just wanna know how it’s done, and something must have been done right this past Sunday. The point is, your instruction made a moment like that possible, and I very much appreciate it.
From C. F.
I had to run last night and neglected to thank you for the class. It was an insightful look into some of my weaknesses, both onstage and off. I am a certifiable control freak, and I love the sense of vulnerability (and humility) acting bestows.
I have been doing stand-up since 1980, with a dozen or so national TV appearances and currently have a commercial locally, (I am the MD lottery Scratch Cam guy), but there is something special about working with others to suspend disbelief; that these are not actors, but real people with real lives. In fact, I love the Meisner veiw that “acting” is essentially a one-word oxymoron. That’s perfect.
The reason for attending your class is that I’m writing scripts (with some connections and some success) and shooting a short, and to that end I enjoy watching pros such as yourself interact with the actors.
It was an enjoyable, albeit too short session. Please keep me informed as to your next class.
Thanks again.
From M. L.
Well, first and foremost I must THANK YOU (for I doubt I ever will again) for instructing me on the elementary acting basis. I just got home from an independent shoot and I think I also caught a sniffle… Anywho, I was the “pretty girl” on a film teaser for Sapling Productions. I finally got a real start! I never thought that your class would have such a profound effect on me!
From J. T.
I want to thank you for taking the time to give the workshop at the actors center this weekend. I felt you took the time to fairly assess everyone’s strengths and weakness with the scene. In addition, you broke the acting down into a simplified format with some very easy techniques. If you can forward me the classes that you provide I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again….
From K. H.
I just want to say thanks for the cold-reading workshop you gave a few Saturdays ago. That made ALL the difference for me at a recent callback audition, and I got the part!!! I have the lead in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas”!!!
From anonymous
IF there is anyone who should be writing a book today on acting, it is you. I think we need such a book with your insights that encompass a much larger view of the process of becoming a truthful actor. You allow the whole person to experience herself without apology and allow her to discover herself all the while by freeing her and allowing her not be so afraid, but to embrace whatever comes in the head, heart – not to apologize or run away, but be with it all…